
My research interests lie in mathematical optimization and its applications in data-driven decision making, machine learning, and data science. My goal is to develop novel theoretical frameworks to study and analyze the convergence and statistical behaviors of optimization algorithms. By leveraging these insights from theoretical development, I design efficient algorithms tailored to data-driven optimization problems in these areas, such as graph learning, finance, experimental design, etc.

My specific areas of focus include:

  1. Theoretical foundations of nonsmooth, nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization: Convergence analysis and algorithmic design;
  2. Distributionally robust optimization: Aiming for a unified approach with computational tractability;
  3. Optimization in probability spaces with Wasserstein geometry;
  4. Large-scale computational challenges in optimal transport with applications to graph learning.

Research Overview

Theoretical and Computational Underpinnings of Nonsmooth-Nonconvex Nonconcave Minimax Optimization

Nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization has gained widespread interest in recent years in machine learning and data science. Most existing works focus on variants of gradient descent-ascent (GDA) algorithms due to their simplicity. However, these algorithms have several limitations: (1) They are only applicable to smooth problems. (2) They may not converge globally and can even suffer from limit cycles. (3) No universal algorithm can be applied to all minimax optimization problems.

My research gives an affirmative answer to these questions for a broad class of nonsmooth nonconvex-nonconcave problem. To be specific, we focus on the setting whether the primal or dual function possesses the Kurdyka-Łojasiewicz condition and enjoys the convex composite type nonsmooth structure. The key to minimax optimization is balancing between the primal and dual updates. The optimality of this balance directly impacts the convergence rate. I introduce a new concept called the primal-dual error bound, which characterizes ``the degree’’ of this balance using tailored error bound theory. This fresh perspective provides a new algorithm design principle: optimal primal-dual balancing. That is, we should pay more attention to the player with the worse growth condition. The best convergence rate we can obtain is determined by the slower of the primal and dual updates. Moreover, this primal-dual error bound serves as a milestone for developing a unified convergence analysis framework for a broad class of nonconvex-nonconcave minimax optimization problems, culminating in the first universally applicable algorithm.

Practically and Provably Efficient Algorithms for Distributional Robust Optimization

Many representative optimal transport-based DRO models in machine learning admit equivalent reformulations as tractable conic programs via the strong duality technique and can be further solved by general-purpose off-the-shelf solvers. Nevertheless, these solvers do not scale well with problem size and result in slow algorithms in practice, as they do not exploit any useful structures from the problem itself. By identifying and further exploiting these useful structures from the dual formulation of DRO problems, I proposed several exceptionally efficient algorithmic frameworks. Armed with their local error-bound conditions, we can achieve faster convergence rates in theory, and in practice, a wall-clock time that is 1000+ times faster than the standard off-the-shelf solver.

Towards a Unified View of Distributional Robust Decision-Making with Optimal Transport

The objective of distributionally robust decision-making is to enable informed decisions in uncertain circumstances when the assumed model or training environment does not align with the actual context in which the decision will be implemented. This situation often arises in scenarios with highly dynamic or non-stationary environments, or when training is limited to a simulated environment due to various constraints. Distributionally robust optimization (DRO) formulations rely on min-max games, where a manager engages in a game against a fictitious adversary to analyze the potential consequences of model inaccuracies. This methodology has a well-established history in the economics literature and control theory. Inaccuracies in probabilistic models can stem from incorrect likelihoods, misspecified actual outcomes, or both. Traditionally, these types of model inaccuracies have been addressed separately. My research aims to provide a unified perspective by incorporating the theory of optimal transport with martingale constraints. We try to encompass and extend existing DRO formulations while also introducing new ones. Moreover, our findings have also revealed that the incorporation of martingale constraints in conventional DRO models has far-reaching implications.

Optimization Methods in Probability Space

Optimization of infinite-dimensional functionals of probability measures arises naturally in a wide range of areas including statistical learning and artificial intelligence (e.g. generative adversarial networks). The proposed modified Frank-Wolfe procedure takes advantage of Wasserstein space (Riemannian geometry) and strong duality results recently developed in Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) so that gradient steps in the Wasserstein space can be efficiently computed using finite-dimensional convex optimization methods. Our works give the first non-asymptotic convergence rate and further provide the sample complexity. I believe this is the first practically implementable algorithm in the literature.

Optimal Transport Meets Graph Learning

The Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance provides a flexible way to compare and couple probability distributions supported on different metric spaces. It has been applied to various structural data analysis tasks, such as cross-lingual knowledge graph (KG) alignment in natural language processing (NLP) for machine translation. In this line of research, we first designed and analyzed the first practically provable single-loop algorithms for computing the GW distance. We then developed an unsupervised graph alignment framework that jointly performs structure learning and GW-based graph alignment. This method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the DBP15K KG alignment benchmark dataset. We also fully investigated a robust version of the GW distance, which also achieves state-of-the-art results on several well-known graph learning tasks.